HandVilla is India’s largest Online handmade object Megastore for all customized corporate and individual and gifting requirements. www.handvilla.in
The Group is built on a strong foundation of simplifying the world us by stakeholder value creation. With an aim to give the best in niche technologies and business sectors – Ecommerce, Software Consulting, Software Products and Specialized trainings. Today, over 60% of Group revenues flow from nice technologies from across the globe.
HandVilla is India’s largest Online handmade object Megastore for all customized corporate and individual and gifting requirements. www.handvilla.in
AIROBIOT was Started with one vision that we will be one stop solution for emerging technologies of humane automation.www.airobtech.com
BSC Global is started with a vision to simplify the products, implementation methodology and services in the software world. www.globalbsc.com
Simplest ERP which covers your all business operations under one place. Covering CRM ,Sales, Production ,Material , Finance is end to end ERP. www.globalbsc.com/ERP
Take Your First Baby Step TO Analytics With Our Ready To Deploy Solution- Fozenwww.globalbsc.com/advance-analytics
BSC is started with a vision to simplify the products, implementation methodology and services in the software world. www.globalbsc.com/AI
Simplest CRM which covers your all business operations under one place. Covering CRM lead, oppurtunity , AI based approach, Compaigns. www.globalbsc.com/SimpCRM
Iserver delivers various areas which with an built in Artificial intelligence for vendor management – Vendor Onboarding -Self Service for vendors , Vendor Comparisons for get the right vendor for our service and product needs , Analytics and insight , Dispatch & MRN Management with back end systems including SAP and Non SAPhttps://globalbsc.com/iserve/
BSC is started with a vision to simplify the products, implementation methodology and services in the software world. www.globalbsc.com/AI